Building licence

Spanish planning permission relating to rustic land can be complex. Always ensure you have the correct classification of land type for your project.

Spanish Planning Permission can assist with re classification of land. Mail Us at Spanish Planning Permission for more information.

The laws regarding construction in rural areas have been amended and tightened in recent times. If you intend to purchase a property in rural Spain you must make certain inquiries, if it is your intention to construct any building whatsoever. There are certain very important issues to be considered Spanish Planning permission can assist with such inquiries commencing with the types of land classification:


Urbano -land with permission to construct  upon which you would have a legal dwelling subject to receipt of Licencia de Primera Ocupación – see below
Urbanizable – land that may be urbanised for development and once urbanised upon which you would have a legal development –  subject to receipt of Licencia de Primera Ocupación
No urbanizable – land that is non constructible.

If you cannot move beyond the classification of the land you will not receive the appropriate building permissions to construct your property. Without the correct building licenses and certificates you will not obtain the Licencia de Primera Ocupación and all important Cédula de habitabilidad – the permit that confirms that the new build / renovation conforms to the relevant and minimum requirements for a habitable property and allows the property to be lived in legally.

To ensure that you do not fall foul of local planning laws you should always ask before you start any work on your property. You will probably be asked to submit a project – with the appropriate fees and taxes to the town hall – small jobs may only require a licencia obras menores – small works licence, but construction of an extension, terrace or new building etc will require a full building licence –licencia obras mayores.

You should never start any construction work until you have the required paperwork stamped by the competent authority because if you do you run the risk of being denunciado – reported to the relevant authority – being fined, having the work stopped, possibly being refused the permission which may have normally been granted  and having the work that you have carried out demolished – at your expense.

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