Live & Work in France

The French Estate Agency™ is continually seeking to improve its share of this niche market and in doing so is continually updating, upgrading and improving the facilities available to both consumers and advertisers alike. Careers at The French Estate Agency™ offer suitably qualified and motivated people the opportunity to become a

COMMERCIAL AGENT (Co Agent) working alongside one of the premier real estate providers in France – the destination recognised consistently as the Worlds’ No.1 choice for lifestyle change migration.


WHAT IS A COMMERCIAL AGENT or AGENT COMMERCIAL? – This is a specific position within the real estate industry in France – so it may suit those people already living in France or if you are in the process of moving to France, it may be the ideal career move for you when you establish yourself. Commercial Agents are regulated under French law – Under the current French law that governs and regulates the practice of Estate Agencies in France and in particular -Article 4 of La Loi Hoguet – suitably qualified individuals can become an Agent Commercial – a person who works under the authorisation of one or more registered establishments – independently. The French Estate Agency is such a registered entity in France holding a Carte Professionnelle and the required insurances, and additionally is an accredited member of the recognized professional organisation SNPI (Syndicat National des Professionnels de l’Immobilier).

YOU WANT THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE AND WORK IN FRANCE? – The French Estate Agency offers you just that with;
The chance to earn commissions from property transactions and integrate properly and legally into the French fiscal system.
The chance to integrate properly and legally into the French health system.

You will be working alongside a fully registered and insured real estate professional. The French Estate Agency has over 30 years of experience in real estate in many European countries.

The French Estate Agency offers you the opportunity to earn commissions from your clients’ successful mortgage applications via our associated mortgage lenders for property purchases in France.

The French Estate Agency offers you the opportunity to earn commissions from your clients currency purchases via our associated currency providers.
Your property will be actively marketed outside of France at major property exhibitions by Co International Agents.
Your property will be displayed on one of the premier real estate portals for France, consistently appearing in the first page of listings for major keyword searches.

HOW CAN I BECOME A CO AGENT? – As an Agent Commercial in France you will have specific obligations and legal responsibilities to comply with the Laws in France.

As you will be self employed under the French legal system you will be required to register with URSSAF (Social Security office) and be responsible for your own Social Security contributions
You will be obliged to register at your local Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce (Chambre du Commerce) as an agent commercial or auto entrepreneur.
You will be obliged to have your own third party liability insurance in place – Responsabilité Civil Professionnelle (RCP) (The French Estate Agency can assist with this).

Operating your own business requires some basic considerations. You will need to be mobile – a clean and reliable car with insurance cover for business purposes is essential to transport clients to appointments.

A basic office facility at your home or elsewhere in order that you can carry on your professional business again with insurance cover for your professional activity.

An internet connection with PC or laptop to communicate with potential clients and to manage your selection of property on the The French Estate Agency web portals. A portable phone.

This position with The French Estate Agency is a self employed position. You will have a contract, that sets out the terms and conditions of the relationship between The French Estate Agency and yourself, detailing remuneration and basic conditions.

OVERALL BENEFITS FOR CO AGENTS – You are the master of your own destiny. You can choose the hours that you work to suit your commitments. You can work from home. The financial benefits are commensurate for the effort you put in to your business.

Working alongside recommended and respected real estate professionals, with ongoing guidance and tutorials right from the inception of your business and continuing throughout your career with The French Estate Agency.

Low start up capital investment with immediate exposure for your properties to a huge internet based audience.

Clients already waiting for your property – quote from French Property News; ‘More people want to purchase in France than any other country in the World.’

We have a network of International co agents actively marketing the property that you have mandated.

Your real estate business and property featured on some of the premier multi lingual property websites in France.

Your real estate business and property displayed on the first page within the top 5 listings for GoogleÔ and YahooÔ above 30 million listings in selected key search phrases.
Earn commission from clients that you introduce to the company and who want to purchase in another area (see commission structure) via another co agent.


The French Estate Agency is a part of N5 Group - Immobilière Mottram.

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